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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Guru MLM'er shows you how to make 5 figures a month from home!


My good friend Joel Therien just shot a that will show you how to create a five to six figure a month income from home in your MLM opportunity .

In this video he shows you how to build your MLM business the easy way:

>>> Never have to leave home (unless you want to)
>>> Never have to attend a Hotel meeting
>>> Generate an endless supply of hot qualified leads
>>> Have people begging to join your organization!

I know, it sounds too good to be true, but the content
in this video is AWESOME, and it's F.R.E.E.

Check it out now at:


Riaan Goussard

Free leads for your business at

Monday, September 14, 2009

How to start blogging

Copyright © Riaan Goussard

What is a blog?
Here's a direct description from the Blogger website:

"A blog gives you your own voice on the web. It's a place to collect and share things that you find interesting - whether it's your political commentary, a personal diary, or links to web sites you want to remember.
Many people use a blog just to organize their own thoughts, while others command influential, worldwide audiences of thousands. Professional and amateur journalists use blogs to publish breaking news, while personal journalers reveal inner thoughts.
The blogging experience is about not only putting your thoughts on the web, but hearing back from and connecting with other like-minded folks."

Why publish a blog?
Publishing a blog allows you to instantly create new content-rich web pages. These new pages can be linked to from the home page of your current and/or promoted separately. By creating additional content-rich website pages and promoting them from your home page or through other means, you'll be accomplishing two important things:

1. You'll provide more value for your website visitors. This increases the "stickiness" of your website making people stick around longer and ultimately trust you more. On the Internet, trust translates to profits!

2. Search engines LOVE fresh content created through blogs. By publishing your own blog and adding fresh content to it on a regular basis, you'll attract the attention of the major search engines who will list your website in their directories for FREE. That's right! As soon as you have pages of your blog in the search engines, you'll start attracting free qualified traffic to your site without paying a dime for it. Remember, Google Adwords? Imagine running a large and comprehensive Google Adwords campaign without paying anything for it... That's exactly what you can accomplish by publishing your own blog!

Blog setup in 3 easy steps.

Click here to visit the Blogger website.
Once you arrive and look things over, click the "CREATE YOUR BLOG NOW" arrow.
Next, you'll arrive at the "Create an account" page. Complete the 5 simple fields on that page.

TIP: For your user name, I suggest using your first and last name combined OR the characters of your domain name without the .com, .net, .org, .ws etc.

Check the "Terms of Service" box and click on the "CONTINUE" arrow.

The next page is the "Name your blog" page. Enter a title Example: Peter Pan’s Home Business Blog or Peter Pan’s Work at Home Journal or something like that... Be creative!

Now enter your blog address. Again, I suggest using the characters of your domain name without the .com, .net, .org, .ws etc. If the name is taken, try the characters of your first and last name combined or anything else you want to be your blog address. Whatever name you decide upon will create your blog URL such as:

Next, complete the word verification field by typing the characters you see in the picture above the field.

Ignore the "Advanced Setup" option for now. The advanced setup option allows you to add your blog files directly to your business website hosting account. I strongly advise you against using the advanced setup option at this time (unless you are already extremely comfortable with uploading files to your hosting account).

Click the "CONTINUE" arrow.

Next, you'll arrive at the "Choose a template" page. This page allows you to choose a custom look for your blog.
Take a look at the designs available and select one by marking the selection circle inside the blog template image. You can easily change the template later, or even create your own custom template design once your blog is set up.

Once you've selected your blog template, click the "CONTINUE" arrow.

Congratulations! Your blog has been created! :-)
Now you can ad content to your blog and publish it!

About the Author: Riaan Goussard
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
