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Sunday, January 10, 2010


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Blogging Blogging Blogging Blogging Blogging

Do you want to start your own blog? This article will tell you how to get started.

If you do not know what a blog is here is a direct description from the Blogger website:

"A blog gives you your own voice on the web. It's a place to collect and share things that you find interesting - whether it's your political commentary, a personal diary, or links to web sites you want to remember."

Lots of people use a blog just to write down their own thoughts, while others have large audiences worldwide. Professional and amateur journalists use blogs to publish breaking news, while personal journalists reveal their inner thoughts.

The blogging experience is about not only putting your thoughts on the web, but hearing back from and connecting with other like-minded folks through the “comment" function.

Publishing a blog allows you to instantly create new content-rich web pages. These new pages can be linked to from the home page of your current website and/or be promoted separately. By creating additional content-rich website pages and promoting them from your home page or through other means, you'll be accomplishing two important things:

You will provide more value for your website visitors. This increases the time people spend on your blog ultimately trust you more. On the Internet, trust means more profits!

Search engines LOVE fresh content created through blogs. By publishing your own blog and adding fresh content to it on a regular basis, you'll attract the attention of the major search engines who will list your website in their directories for FREE. That's right! As soon as you have pages of your blog in the search engines, you'll start attracting free qualified traffic to your site without paying a dime for it.

Setting up your fist blog:

You can have your own blog setup in a few easy steps.

Visit the Blogger website at

When you get to the blogger site, click the "CREATE YOUR BLOG NOW" arrow.

Next, you will arrive at the "Create an account" page. Complete the simple fields on that page.

For your user name, you can use your first and last name combined OR a nick name OR the characters of your domain name without the .com, .net, .org, .ws etc.

Read the "Terms of Service" box and click on the "CONTINUE" arrow.

The next page is the "Name your blog" page.
Enter a title like: [Your Name's] Home Business Blog or [Your name’s] Work from home online or something like that.

Now enter your blog address.
This is very important. You can use a specific niche name if your plan is to blog only about this specific subject. You can also use a name like “Onlinehomebiz” which you can use to blog about various online business subjects.
You can also use the characters of your domain name without the .com, .net, .org, .ws etc. If the name is taken, try the characters of your first and last name combined or anything else you want to be your blog address like “homeonline or onlinemarketing”. Whatever name you decide upon will create your blog URL such as: http://onlinehomebiz.blogspot…

Next, complete the word verification field by typing the characters you see in the picture above the field.

Ignore the "Advanced Setup" option for now. The advanced setup option allows you to add your blog files directly to your Domain hosting account and other options.

Click the "CONTINUE" arrow.

Next, you will arrive at the "Choose a template" page. This page allows you to choose a custom look for your blog.

Take a look at the designs and colors available and select one by marking the selection circle inside the blog template image. You can easily change the template later, or even create your own custom template design once your blog is set up.

Once you've selected your blog template, click the "CONTINUE" arrow.

Congratulations! Your blog has been created!

Now it's time to add some content to your blog...

Now that you have your blog set up, it's time to post one of your articles.

Click on “posting” and then on “new post”
Put the title for your article in the “Title box”

Now for the content:
If you do not know how to use html click on the “compose” button.
You can now use the WYSIG (what you see is what you get) editor.
You can start typing your article here or
You can also copy content from a note pad or word article and paste it here.
Use the buttons at the top for bold, color, hyperlinks, larger font and so on.
Remember to put a link in to your website or affiliate business.

You can now click on the “preview” button to see what your article will look like.
It is important to view your article here and to make sure that your links and other features
like “bold” and the correct “font” are working correctly. If not you can go back to edit your article till everything is perfect.

Put in labels or keywords.

Now you are ready to publish your article – just click on the “publish” button!
The article will now be live!

You can always come back later to edit and change anything.
If you do not want to publish it at this time you can click the “save” button and come back later to publish it.

You can now use Ping-o-Matic to notify a bunch of blog listing services about YOUR blog. They will send spiders over to your blog to index the content and link it to their network!

Visit the Ping-o-Matic website at

Once you get to the Ping-o-Matic website, type in the name of your blog in the first field.
In the second field, type in the complete URL of your Blogger blog.
Next, select ALL available "SERVICES TO PING".
Now, click the "Submit Pings" button.

Enjoy your blog!

Riaan Goussard
Online marketing, leads and methods.

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